Use your bank account for a green future.

With PLAN3T, we want to do something good and build an app that we use ourselves and recommend to our best friends. This means that we are not only protecting the planet, but also your data.
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Server location Europe.

Your data is encrypted and anonymized in a data center in Europe with the highest security standards according to the requirements of Germany and the European Union. All data protection and security rules applicable in Germany and the EU are thus complied with.

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Reliable systems, reliable partners.

We use state-of-the-art technology to protect your data from third-party access. This includes the OAuth2 method for authentication, firewalls and encryption of all connections. The analysis of bank data is done with our partner Tink, one of the leading providers of OpenBanking applications in Europe. Tink is very well certified and uses the European PSD-2 standard to read bank data in a secure and privacy compliant way.

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This way, personal data remains personal.

You can be sure: We do not share your personal data with third parties, not even with our partners.

In fact, there is only one moment when our team can see your transactions: If you haven't received any cashback, you can give us a lookup request. Only then we are allowed to see a small part of your transactions to check the unrecognized cashback payments.

Get the PLAN3T App — Cashback. For Good.

Our principles


Highest security and privacy standards

PLAN3T is an app for our best friends: that's why we not only protect the planet, but also your data.


Is's your data, so it's your decision.

You decide what happens to your data. We tell you how it is used and protect it uncompromisingly.


You can erase your data at any time.

You have the possibility to close your account in PLAN3T at any time, this will erase all your data.